In 2014 HCC set forth to protect our planet by operating in an environmentally responsible manner while being good neighbors in the regions we operate.
Since 2014 Hood Container Has:
- Become SFI & FSC Certified in our Mill Division.
- Increased use of recycled fiber by 74%
- Reduced water usage by 28%.
- Reduced dependency on purchased power by 28%.
- Reduced Green House Gases by 17%.
- Decreased our recordable incident rate by 56% (2015-2019).
Today’s Practices Create Tomorrow’s Future Project 2025
Increased use of recycled fiber by 10%
Reduce water use by 10%
Reduce use of purchased power by 10%
Maintain the use of 100% sourced fiber
Reduction of recordable incident rate
Reduce green house gas emissions by 5%