Roundtable Diversity and Inclusion Discussions

Feb, 2021

Since coming onboard with Hood Container in 2020, Director of Compliance Bridget Hawkins has lead the charge on implementing a code of conduct, enforcing anti- discrimination policies, and bringing Diversity and Inclusion to the forefront of discussions. Today, leadership throughout the organization engaged in roundtable discussion highlighting how diversity in leadership has a connection to innovation and profitability in the bottom line.

Our Innovation Core Value states that “We are forward focused on solutions.”  One of those solutions is creating a diverse and inclusive experience for our customers and employees.  Diversity and Inclusion undeniably drives innovation. Thought provoking, insightful, and open conversations like these pave the way for implementing policy and changing mindsets that shape company culture. This discussion has been just one of many over the last months helping to educate employees and start a dialogue that promoting Diversity and Inclusion.

Interested in learning more? Click here for Rocio Lorenzo’s TED talk: